Taking the polar plunge
March 29, 2004
Under dark clouds and heavy rain, three local celebrities led nearly 400 duct tape- and spandex-clad greek community members into the 60-degree water of Lake LaVerne.
Dean of Students Pete Englin, KASI announcer B.J. Schaben and Des Moines Register Community Publications Director John Gaps III, who was also joined by his daughter, Emilia, dove into the lake Saturday at the seventh annual Polar Bear Plunge.
“I’ll do anything for the Special Olympics, and if my risking life and limb will help earn a few extra bucks, that’s great,” Gaps said. “It was a blast. I think I took three showers [on Saturday], though.”
The philanthropy event is a Greek Week event benefiting the Special Olympics Iowa. Each team, consisting of two fraternities and a sorority, must donate $50 to participate.
“We get to dress up crazy and have a good time for a good cause,” said Deanna Greene, junior in elementary education and member of Kappa Delta.
This year’s event raised more than $18,000 to help 12,000 mentally and physically disabled athletes, making the Plunge one of Special Olympics Iowa’s largest fund-raisers, said Chuck Reed, public relations director for Special Olympics Iowa. Last year, participants raised nearly $17,000.
“This is a very important event for us,” he said. “It is one of the most vital fund-raisers we do and is also one of the most fun.”
Reed said the money raised during the Plunge will go towards the cost of the Special Olympics Iowa Summer Games held in Ames.
Many Plunge participants recognize this event as being an important fund-raiser for Special Olympics Iowa.
“This is a once-in-a-lifetime event,” said Kelly Snyder, junior in management and member of Alpha Delta Pi. “It’s a great way to get involved with a good cause and have fun.”
Members of Greek Week Central, the Collegiate Panhellenic Council, and InterFraternity Council took dips in Lake LaVerne before the Greek Week groups got their turn.
“This is something you can tell your kids about,” said Thomas Behm, sophomore in psychology and member of Alpha Kappa Lambda.