LETTER: Alcohol not the source of all evil
March 5, 2004
While I would like to assume your ridiculous commentary (March 1, “A dry Ames would improve Iowa State” letter) on the “evils” of alcohol are merely an attention-getting ploy, a part of me realizes you are indeed serious, if only at some minor level.
Once again, concerned citizens feeling the need to climb aboard their moral high horse and use alcohol as the scapegoat for the behaviors and actions of its consumers.
While it is definitely easy to find research studies regarding the effects alcohol has on the physical and physiological responses of the body, it is extremely difficult, if not impossible, to say that “alcohol causes crime.”
This is a blanket statement which has no basis in true fact. While I tend to agree there is a positive correlation between the prevalence of drinking and crime rate, correlation does not determine causality.
Don’t blame the actions of a few college students on a weekend night on Welch Avenue simply on booze.
Look deeper.
Most of the “drunk idiots” are idiots even when sober.
Only when we, as a society, can take responsibility for our own actions, and not scapegoat things like alcohol, dysfunctional families, etc., can we make Ames and the rest of the United States a better place to live.
Put down the axe, have a cold beer and relax.
Jon Judge
Graduate Student
Industrial Technology