Exhibit showcases student photo, print work

Susan Mackey

Two separate art disciplines have found their way into the same gallery at the Memorial Union.

The Print and Photo Show, a student art exhibition in the Pioneer Room of the Memorial Union, features a variety of photography and print pieces, some of which include the use of both print and photo. Forty-six student artists submitted a total of 114 entries for this year’s exhibit.

Letitia Kenemer, arts program adviser for the Memorial Union, helped in the process of organizing this year’s exhibit.

“This show was and always is open to any Iowa State student,” Kenemer says. “Each [student] may submit up to three pieces, either print or photo.”

The juror for the show was Yvonne Alsip, who graduated from Iowa State in 1968 with a bachelor’s degree in English and in 1972 with a master’s degree in English. Alsip is currently teaching yearbook and photojournalism at North High School in Des Moines.

“I love to teach, and that’s hard — to balance my time with my photography business,” Yvonne says.

Matt Carlson, senior in art and design, had three pieces selected for exhibition in the show.

“I was really happy because I have put a lot of late-night hours into my pieces,” he says. “It feels really good to have my work recognized. It is a really great honor.”

One of his pieces, titled “System Administration,” was chosen for honorable mention.

“After graduation, I was looking into grad school,” he says. “But for now, I will be showing and showing.”

LaVonne Carlson, senior in biological and pre-medical Illustration, has two pieces in the exhibit. LaVonne says the arts program at the Memorial Union provides a great way for students to showcase their work in a public gallery.

“The Memorial Union continues to have a lot of opportunity for art students, and I was very happy to participate in the print and photo show — it is a great experience,” she says.

Alsip says the combination of print and photo creates a show that is unique in its subject matter, which is definitely noticeable in the gallery.

“We ended up with a show that is diverse in style and wide-ranging in subject matter,” Yvonne says. “I was very pleased with how the wall space was used. The careful placement of each piece makes for a dramatic and elegant look to the room.”

What: Print and Photo Show

Where: Pioneer Room, Memorial Union

When: until March 20

Cost: Free