LETTER: Religious beliefs not same as morals

OK, so perhaps I was misunderstood. In my letter on March 1, the Daily opinion editor chose the title “President Shouldn’t Legislate Morality.”

I had actually left my letter untitled.

In fact, the government has an obvious duty to uphold moral principles.

My point was that the president seems to have confused the term “moral principles” with the term “religious beliefs.”

Surely if our government did not uphold moral values there would be no such laws against theft, murder, etc.

Obviously some will disagree with that.

If, as an individual, you choose to follow a certain religious doctrine, then that is your right — as long as the government doesn’t take that freedom away.

However, as a Christian, I cannot imagine being forced to adhere to the religious beliefs of, say, satanism.

The fact is the president has coined the phrase “immorality” to describe homosexuality, when what he means to say is, “It is against my personal religious beliefs.”

Justin Hope


Early Childhood Education