LETTER: A dry Ames would improve Iowa State

I think the steps to eliminate penny pitchers are good; however, I do not think this move goes far enough.

It seems the drinking establishments are very good at adapting to whatever regulations the city of Ames puts on them.

I believe that if the city of Ames is really serious about curbing the drinking situation in Ames, it should consider a move that has been done once before.

Yes, prohibition. Prohibition was repealed way too early, and it was not given a fair chance to work.

The city of Ames should consider a form of the Volstead Act, which forbade the manufacture, sale, import or export of intoxicating liquors.

It seemed to work very well for America. People stopped drinking, sobered up and crime hit an all-time low. America was a better place to live, and if Ames makes this move, I believe that all of its problems will go away.

Iowa State will become a more popular school, and Ames, I predict, will become a modern day Eden — except we won’t have those evil apple trees.

So, if Ames wants to solve its problems, we should prohibit the sale of alcohol and cut down all of our apple trees.

Andy Tomka


Transportation Logistics