Track teams hope for NCAA berths

Jess Jochims

Intensity was high and athletes’ seasons were on the line at Saturday’s national indoor track and field qualifier meet in Ames.

A few Cyclones reached provisional qualifying marks and set personal bests at the “last chance” meet. Women’s coach Dick Lee said three of his women — Rebecca Williams, Sheba Clarke and Ada Anderson — have the best chances of making the cut for nationals.

The NCAA will officially announce national qualifiers Monday.

“Rebecca Williams had a personal best which helped her out in the standings,” Lee said. “That mark puts her on the bubble. It just becomes a waiting game for her now.

“Sheba Clarke had a good time a couple of weeks ago. She is sitting in a good spot for nationals. And Ada is pretty much going to nationals. Maybe all three will make the national meet.”

Williams, who provisionally qualified with a time of 8.29 in the 60-meter hurdles, said this meet was a lot better for her than last weekend’s Big 12 Championships.

“I did really well in the prelims by running my personal best,” Williams said. “I know that I have a better chance than last weekend. This [meet] helps out a lot.”

Clarke, who felt ill all day, is also hoping that her time of 7.47 in the 60-meter dash is good enough for nationals.

“I am hoping that the last meet’s time got me in,” Clarke said. “I won, but a time of 7.5 was OK but not my best.”

Anderson finished second in the 800-meter run with a time of 2:06.3. Anderson still was not totally satisfied with her performance.

“I was shooting for a 2:04,” Anderson said. But I feel I am already there. If I do make [nationals], I will keep working hard. I really want to be an all-American.”

The Cyclone men also reached some marks and are hoping to qualify individuals for nationals. Head coach Steve Lynn said the speed of this meet really stood out to him.

“This was a hell of a track meet,” Lynn said. “Every event was really fast.”

Lynn said this meet was an improvement over the Big 12 Championships.

“Abraham [Rotich] had a personal record in the 800,” Lynn said. “I am also very happy with the [1,600-meter] relay team. Oklahoma beat us badly in the conference meet last week, and we beat Oklahoma in the final with a time of 3:09.”

Rotich ran a season best, but said it’s still unlikely he will make nationals.

“This was a very competitive meet,” Rotich said. “I will keep training and hopefully stay healthy. I am a junior, so I am looking to qualify for nationals next year.”

Ryan Boyington said his 1,600-meter relay team is very close to qualifying for nationals.

“We are provisionally qualified, but we will see if we get in,” Boyington said. “We will barely miss or make nationals either way. Even if we miss nationals, we have a lot of confidence going into the outdoor season.”

The NCAA meet will be held March 12-13 in Fayetteville, Ark.