Freshman faces arson charges

ISU Police are investigating several fires that occurred over the course of several weeks in Helser Hall.

Bryan Keyt, 19, 4788 Helser Hall, was arrested Friday evening at his residence. ISU Police were dispatched after receiving a call from a resident assistant on the fourth floor, said ISU Police Capt. Gene Deisinger.

Officers interviewed Keyt, freshman in liberal arts and sciences-open option, about other reports of burning in the building, Deisinger said.

“Based on the information provided, Mr. Keyt is suspected of [lighting] items on fire,” he said.

Those items included bulletin boards, an exit sign, ceiling tiles and a portion of a wall in Helser Hall, Deisinger said.

He said other complaints of burnt items, including burnt room doors, are being investigated by ISU Police.

Police believe Keyt may have used a lighter and a can of spray paint to create a mini torch.

Deisinger said causing a fire with intent to destroy or damage something is considered an arson charge. Keyt is charged with third-degree arson, an aggravated misdemeanor, Deisinger said.

Keyt declined to comment on the incident.

Sally Deters, residence hall coordinator, said she could not comment on specifics of the incident but said the case would be referred to the appropriate judicial authority.

Both resident assistants were unavailable for comment.

— Jeff Christian