The information in the log comes from ISU Police records provided to the Daily. All those accused of violating the law are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

January 25

  • Matthew Owens, 19, 4341 Larch Hall, was cited for underage possession of alcohol on Gable Lane.
  • A window on a parked vehicle was broken in Lot 60.
  • Gregory Gill, 23, 278 Village Dr., was arrested and charged with public intoxication at Knapp Street and Welch Avenue.
  • A window on a parked vehicle was broken in Lot 62.
  • Glass panes were discovered broken on the CyRide bus shelter at University Village.

January 26

  • Stephen Slater, 18, 3709 Helser Hall, was arrested and charged with possession of a controlled substance in Helser Hall.
  • Daniel Frederick, 3460 Wilson Hall, reported a broken windshield in Lot 61.
  • A vehicle that left the scene struck a car owned by Mike Mayer in Lot 61.
  • Vehicles owned and/or driven by Randi Webb and Aaron Valley were involved in a property damage collision on Welch Avenue.
  • Vehicles owned and/or driven by Katie Mason and Jacob Anderson were involved in a property damage collision in Lot 61.

January 27

  • Dane Maxwell, 20, Ankeny, and David Kasper, 20, Anchorage, Alaska, were arrested and charged with public intoxication at the Ames Ice Arena. Kasper was also cited for underage possession of alcohol.
  • Vehicles owned and/or driven by Bethany Wihlm and Les Lawson were involved in a property damage collision in Lot 112.
  • A staff member at the Scheman Building reported a conference fee was paid with a credit card by an unauthorized user.
  • A vehicle that left the scene struck a car owned by Ji Hye Park in Lot 43.
  • Vehicles owned and/or driven by Bessie Fick and Janelle Staff were involved in a property damage collision at Schilletter Village.
  • A vehicle driven by Kimberly Rogers struck a parked car owned by Daniel Kruger at Lincoln Way and Stanton Avenue.
  • Vehicles owned and/or driven by Casey Brown and Dirk Stowe were involved in a property damage collision in Lot 3.
  • A woman injured her ankle after falling on the stairs at Barton Hall.
  • A vehicle that left the scene struck a car owned by Callie Nelson in Lot 65.
  • A resident at University Village reported responding to an e-mail message at, updating his credit card account. He later cancelled the card after learning the message was not sent by his bank.

January 28

  • Vehicles owned and/or driven by Jessica Jacobsen and Shannon Schwartz were involved in a property damage collision in Lot 36.
  • Vehicles owned and/or driven by Molly Ross and Lindsay Shannon were involved in a property damage collision in Lot 112.
  • A patron reported the theft of a book bag at Parks Library.