ISU sprinters set records at Iowa State Classic

Jess Jochims

With the shot of the gun, the sprinters were off and done in an instant in a record-setting meet by both ISU teams at the Iowa State Classic.

Women’s sprint coach Scott Roberts and men’s sprint coach and head coach Steve Lynn noticed the great level of competition present and looked forward to the Big 12 championships.

“[This meet] helps see how we run against this kind of competition,” Roberts said. “[In] most races, some girls are not challenged, and today they were. It also helps to get fast times against great people.”

The ISU women sprinters were led by the quick finishes of Sheba Clarke, Rebecca Williams and Ada Anderson. Clarke earned a provisional mark and set a school record in the 60-meter dash (7.39). Williams achieved a third-place finish in the 60-meter hurdles (8.50). Anderson also had an impressive meet, finishing third in the 800-meter run, with a new personal record (2:06.07).

The triumphant trio, along with freshman Sara Boisen, achieved a second place finish in the 4×400 meter relay (3:43.04).

Roberts was very pleased with the women’s performance. He said everyone had a great day and ran well against tough competition.

“I am just thrilled with Sheba’s performance,” Roberts said. “She started out very strong and lost some technique in the second half, but still ran her fastest time.”

Clarke was satisfied with her performance, but believes she can still do better.

“I set a strong provincial mark, and hopefully, it will lead to the nationals,” Clarke said. “I ran a personal record and a school record, but I always shoot for better times.”

Williams had trouble with the hurdles but still recorded a fine time.

“I felt bad for Rebecca because she hit the hurdles,” Roberts said. “When she has a clean race, she will run much faster. This was the first time she was challenged in the 60 and rose to that challenge.”

She said she felt relaxed and focused in the 800-meter race.

“I had a goal to get a time of 2:06,” Anderson said. “And I did. Now my new goal at the Big 12 championships will be to improve on that. This was a huge meet where I like to look at the competition. I look at my race and kick it in at the end.”

Boisen earned an eighth-place finish in the 600-yard run.

“Sara got out a little too fast in the 600, and she paid for it down the stretch,” Roberts said. “She is a freshman and has a great future.”

Although his 4×400 relay runners recorded personal records, Roberts said they still haven’t quite reached their full potential.

“They had a great time with the competition and beat their personal best by two seconds,” Roberts said. “But there is more there. Also I am very pleased that we beat last year’s Big 12 champ in the 4×4. They are only one-tenth of a second away from an ISU record.”

Roberts said the relay team is capable of finishing in the top five at the Big 12 Conference meet.

“They might even be able to get to the national meet, but they need a better time to get there for sure,” Roberts said. “They have to keep being strong.”

The lone first place finish in the men’s sprints came from senior Ryan Boyington in the 600-yard run. Boyington set a personal record (1:10.04) with a photo finish victory.

“The reason why he got his huge personal record is because he has been training really hard,” Lynn said. “His training shows others what can be done if you practice hard. I’m very proud of him.”

Boyington said the tough competition made him perform better.

“This is one of the top meets in the nation,” Boyington said. “If you place in the top six here, you will do pretty well at the Big 12. When you run against fast competition, you run faster.”

Since the 600 is not run at nationals, Boyington will try and qualify in the 4×400 relay.

“If I run the same time as today, I could place in the Big 12,” Boyington said.

There is still work for Boyington to do before the Big 12 and NCAA qualifier meets.

“I need to get a few speed workouts in,” Boyington said. “I think the team will do all right in the Big 12. We are more improved and ahead of where we were last year.”