ISU musicians travel to Chicago, perform for alumni

Daniel C. Hartman

Two years ago, the ISU music department performed a concert in Minneapolis for a crowd of alumni. This year, alumni in the Chicago area will have the chance to see some of Iowa State’s finest musicians perform just for them.

The event, titled “President’s Concert,” will be performed at 1:30 p.m. Sunday in Chicago’s Orchestra Hall, 220 S. Michigan Ave. Tickets are $10 for students and $15 for public. The concert will feature the ISU Wind Ensemble, the Iowa State Singers and the ISU Symphony Orchestra. Famed Centerville vocalist Simon Estes will also perform during the concert.

“This is a fantastic opportunity for us to showcase the excellence of our ensembles,” says Michael Golemo, director of bands and associate professor of music. “We’re going to be performing in a world-famous concert hall, and with Simon Estes, one of the world’s most renowned baritones.”

Laura Ohl, freshman in music and alto saxophonist in the ISU Wind Ensemble, is looking forward to the concert.

Ohl says she is also looking forward to performing with Estes.

“Simon Estes brings in such an air of professionalism. When he comes into the room, he just brings this presence,” Ohl says. “You really want to play the best you can when you’re around him.”

The ensembles will be performing a diverse program of classical music, Golemo says. The ISU Wind Ensemble, under Golemo’s direction, will perform “Come Dal Ciel Precipita” by Giuseppe Verdi and translated by Golemo, and “The Sword and the Crown” by Edward Gregson.

During its portion of the concert, the Iowa State Singers will perform “Oculus Non Vidit” by Rihards Dubra, “Pseaume 43” by Jan P. Sweelinck, “Benedictus Dominus” by Carl Nielsen, “Hold On!” by Moses Hogan and “I Know I’ve Been Changed” by Damon Dandridge. The Iowa State Singers are conducted by James Rodde, professor of music and director of choral activities.

Mozart’s “Per Questa Bella Mano” (By Your Beautiful Hand) is a selection on the ISU Symphony Orchestra’s program. The group will also perform Respighi’s “The Pines of Rome.”

“This music will really showcase the best and brightest musicians Iowa State has to offer,” Golemo says.