Exhibit showcases fruits of family’s trips to Rome

Erin Shaw

Taking three trips to Rome has given Arthur Croyle and his son Erik the opportunity to have their artwork displayed in a gallery.

“Italy: Lasting Impressions,” the work of the father and son team, is on display at Somerset Gallery, located inside the Greater Iowa Credit Union, 2623 Northridge Parkway.

Arthur, associate professor of art and design, and his son, a junior at Ames High School, are the featured artists for the exhibit. The show centers around the three trips to Rome.

Arthur has been at Iowa State for 17 years, teaching drawing and illustration. In the fall of 2001, he was given the opportunity to teach graphic design in Rome for ISU students involved with a Rome study abroad program. He says his wife and son jumped at the chance to join him in Italy.

“I wanted to experience a different culture and live a different life for a while,” Erik says.

While in Rome, Erik kept up with schoolwork by taking a math class via e-mail and doing an independent study project. During his free time, Erik says he wandered the streets of Rome and scouted photography opportunities.

Arthur taught class late in the afternoon and spent many mornings drawing and painting the many wonders of Rome.

“I teach illustration here but don’t normally draw, but in Rome I felt compelled to draw,” Arthur says.

A year later, the Croyle family was given the chance to live in Rome again. Arthur was there for the whole semester, but Erik joined him for only the last two weeks of his stay. Arthur says the beauty of Rome once again brought out their creative sides.

“The subject matter of Rome is rich and sumptuous,” Arthur says. “You turn a corner in Rome and you see images that end up on postcards.”

The last trip for the Croyles to Rome was during the summer of 2003. Erik worked on his photos by using different camera angles and shooting at different times of day. Arthur says his love for photography began when he was little, capturing family vacations and special events.

“It’s hard to take good pictures, but Erik seems to have a high success ratio,” Arthur says. “He doesn’t look at his pictures like an artist, so I end up giving him free art instruction.”

Erik plans on sticking with photography as a hobby, but says his real dream is to become a commercial airline pilot. At 17, he already has his private pilot’s license and is looking into flight schools. He says he is passionate about traveling and is looking forward to another family trip to England during spring break.

During trips, the Croyle family was exposed to Rome’s history. While drawing, Arthur often watched tour groups pass by and listened to art historian lectures.

“I began to mentally correct them, after hearing the stories time after time,” Arthur says.

The Croyles have been preparing for the exhibit since November. The gallery has 50 pieces of work from the Croyles’ trips on exhibit. Erik has about 20 photos on display, while Arthur’s work includes drawings and watercolors.

“Our family pictures are drawings, watercolors and photographs,” Arthur says.

“When the Croyles go on vacation, it’s ‘Look at what we brought back.'”

What: “Italy: Lasting Impressions”

Where: Greater Iowa Credit Union, 2623 Northridge Parkway

When: On display until March 31

Cost: Free