Brown travels where the music takes her

Sarah Kloewer

Music is something that has always been present for Pieta Brown, daughter of twice-Grammy-nominated artist Greg Brown. However, it wasn’t until a few years ago that she decided to focus her life around music.

“I don’t think very many people know what they want to do when they are 15 or 16; they just try different things ’til they find what fits,” Brown says. “It wasn’t like I just decided one day I want a career in music. I followed my muse and that’s where it took me.”

Brown is returning to the Maintenance Shop Saturday after an almost two-year absence. Since her last appearance, she has released two albums and toured the country. She says her music has changed, but it’s still her and Bo Ramsey, so the format will remain the same — just two guitars.

“Some of the basic themes for everybody are always going be the same. Love’s going to be a big one; every songwriter dabbles in that,” Brown says. “But I think I’ve opened up. As you grow, you’re responding to things in your life, and my life has changed a lot in the past few years.”

Brown says she is heading back to the studio in a few months to work on her third album. She says the attitude of the album will be different from her first releases.

“On our first album, I was heartbroken. I think a lot of the songs reflect that,” Brown says. “I’m not heartbroken now; I’ve opened up a lot emotionally, and hopefully there will be more happiness in there.”

Brown says she also hopes to have a wider variety of instrumentation in her third album.

“I also play piano, so there might be some more piano and keyboard stuff on this album,” Brown says. “I might have some banjo or organ on there.”

Brown says she hopes to pursue music for the rest of her life. She says there are many outlets that interest her.

“I’ve been working with Bo Ramsey since the beginning, and in many ways, it still feels like a new endeavor,” Brown says. “I’m excited to work with any musician, really — it’s always fun to see what it brings out.”

However, Brown says she doesn’t see herself working with a large ensemble. She prefers to follow the music on her own.

“In certain ways, I’m kind of a loner. I don’t see myself having any big band or be a rock ‘n’ roll star or anything,” Brown says. “I’m just interested in going where the music takes me — one night you’re playing in a dive bar in Philadelphia and the next night in a beautiful theater.”

Who: Pieta Brown, Bo Ramsey

Where: M-Shop

When: 8 p.m., Saturday

Cost: $7 students, $10 public