Musical tradition runs in the family for No Stone Thrown

Sarah Kloewer

A relatively new Ames band, No Stone Thrown, is making sure it puts plenty of practice time in before going on stage.

Two brothers — rhythm guitarist Miles Morgan and bass guitarist Micah Morgan, freshman in music — are working hard to get their band ready to perform.

“Right now, we’re practicing a lot,” Miles says. “We have had one gig, playing at a coffee shop.”

Micah says he normally plays the acoustic guitar, but he’s learning bass for the band.

“We haven’t really performed much yet,” Micah says. “We’re trying to get everything polished, to get it to the point where we feel comfortable performing.”

Playing music isn’t something the brothers do only in their spare time. Miles graduated from Iowa State in December with a degree in vocal music performance. Micah also studies music, but says he came to Iowa State mostly because his brother was here.

“I’d like to make a career of music,” Micah says. “But the world’s so crazy, you don’t know if you’re going to be able to make a living at it.”

Miles says the band — which includes drummer Jacob Etheredge, senior in art and design, and lead guitarist Jesse Masson, senior in speech communication — plans to do some recording during spring break. The group hopes to have a demo out by the end of the year. Miles says he draws from several sources for inspiration for music he writes.

“Our eventual goal for the band is a sound between U2 and James Taylor,” Miles says. “But right now, we’re just focusing on the acoustic side of things. I really admire dc Talk; they’re not scared to be inventive with their music. Also, I like Dave Matthews Band’s sound.”

Miles says he started writing songs in high school when he first began playing the guitar.

“I’ve written more than 50 songs,” Miles says. “Not all of them are the greatest, but you have to start somewhere.”

Micah says although his brother does most of the writing, he has also written a few songs.

The brothers say the name of band was inspired by a Biblical passage from Luke. It is the story of Jesus stopping the imminent stoning of an adulterous woman. Her accusers ask Jesus, as a trick question, if the woman should be pardoned. Instead, Jesus says the man with no sin should cast the first stone. Miles says the band’s name draws on the idea that no one is perfect.

“We’re a Christian contemporary group,” Micah says. “Our name says we know we’re not perfect, and it’s only through the grace of God we’re saved.”

This is both brothers’ first experience playing with a band of this nature. They say they have played with ensembles and worship groups in the past. So far, they agree it’s been a good experience.

“It’s always a blast,” Micah says. “Our personalities work really well together.”