Ballroom dancing is all about details

Daniel C. Hartman

Ballroom dancing will take on a competitive edge this weekend in the Great Hall of the Memorial Union.

In addition to couples from Iowa State, 75 couples from colleges and universities across the Midwest will be competing in the second annual Cyclone Ballroom Classic. The couples will compete based on previous experience in competitions and the style of dance they choose to perform.

Iowa State hasn’t always hosted such an event. The idea for a local competition began when one of the former members of the ISU Ballroom Dance Company decided she wanted Iowa State to host something like other schools’ competitions.

“The Cyclone Ballroom Classic was started last year by a former student named Jill Elgin,” says ISU Ballroom Dance Company President Samantha Olson. “She got tired of traveling to competitions and decided that Iowa State should host one, and the Cyclone Ballroom Classic was born.”

Olson, junior in computer engineering, says Elgin is still very active in the club and currently serves as the club’s senior adviser.

“Jill has really been the driving force in getting this competition going. This whole thing wouldn’t exist without her,” Olson says. “She still does a lot of behind-the-scenes work that goes into these events.”

Olson says people have many questions about ballroom competitions, such as who can enter and what they are judged on.

“Basically, the levels of competition are based on how experienced the dancers are,” Olson says. “We have levels from beginners who have never been in a competition on up to intermediate levels for more experienced couples.”

Olson says dancers are judged on the dance itself and the difficulty of the couple’s routine. She says there usually about three to five judges walking around the floor at any given time. After the routine has ended, Olson says, the judges get together and a score is given to the couple.

“Things that really matter in ballroom dance are little things, like smiling and how well you interact with your partner. Also, if you entered a professional competition, costumes would be scored too,” Olson says. “We don’t require them at the collegiate level, though — we’re trying to keep costs down.”

“We have about 200 people who come to regular dances sponsored by the club,” Olson says. “A lot of people prefer it to the bumping and grinding that goes on at regular dance clubs.”

What: Cyclone Ballroom Classic

Where: Great Hall (competition) and Sun Room (social dance), Memorial Union

When: 8:30 a.m. (competition), 9 p.m. (social dance) Saturday

Cost: $5 students, $10 public