Young musicians perform with Central Iowa Symphony following auditions

Sarah Kloewer

The stage is not an unfamiliar place for violinist Hangyul Kim, 17, senior at Ames High School, and flutist Melanie Williams, 14, eighth-grader at Benton Community School in Newhall. The two young musicians, both of whom are Young Artist’s Audition winners, will guest solo at Sunday’s Central Iowa Symphony concert.

“I was in an orchestra a couple years ago … the Chicago Youth Concert Orchestra, that was really fun, but the drive just got too long,” Williams says.

Williams says she started playing the flute when she was five. She estimates she practices three hours a day, and every summer she attends the Snowmass Suzuki Institute in Snowmass, Colo.

“Each year, we take a pledge that we practice every day that we eat,” she says.

Though Kim has been playing the violin since she was nine, she believes she is a late starter. However, she says she definitely wants to pursue a career in music.

“I just really love playing my instrument,” Kim says. “Whenever I’m up on stage I try to feel the music. I don’t like thinking in technical terms. I like to feel the artistry of the music.”

This is not the first time Kim has performed with the Central Iowa Symphony. She says she also played with them during her freshman and junior years of high school.

“I love playing orchestra music, but at the same time it’s frustrating,” Kim says. “You don’t have as much freedom of expression, because of things like having to use the same bowings. I’m really interested in chamber music.”

On Sunday, Kim will be performing the first movement of Jean Sibelius’ “Violin Concerto in D Major.” Williams will be playing the first movement of Mozart’s “Flute Concerto No. 2 in D Major.”

Kim says she is also busy auditioning for colleges, including Julliard, the Manhattan School of Music and the Curtis Institute of Music.

The Central Iowa Symphony has been hosting a Young Artist’s Audition for several years. Conductor Matthew Smith says this year, there were 18 students who auditioned. Smith says so far, rehearsals with the soloists have been great.

Besides the two concertos, Smith says the Central Iowa Symphony will be performing three other works.

“It’s a family-friendly concert,” Smith says. “So, I tried to pick things that would be appealing to all ages.”

Smith says Sunday’s concert will also include a rare opportunity that he is excited about.

“We’re showing a silent Charlie Chaplin film,” Smith says. “The orchestra will be playing the music that was written to accompany it. The opportunity to see a silent movie with a live accompaniment is rare, so it’s a really great opportunity.”

What: The Central Iowa Symphony and the Young Artists Audition

Where: Ames City Auditorium, 515 Clark Ave.

When: Sunday, 3 PM

Cost: $5 for students, $12 for adults