Cyclones will work to contain hotshot

Jim Maccrea

Rebounding the ball better and offensive efficiency are the two keys for a win over Missouri Saturday, ISU women’s basketball coach Bill Fennelly said.

The Tigers (11-8, 2-6 Big 12) are led by senior forward Evan Unrau, who leads the conference in rebounding with 9.1 rebounds per game.

“She may be the best offensive rebounder in our league,” Fennelly said. “When you [get offensive rebounds], you’re going to get fouled a lot. You’re going to get putbacks. You’re going to create scoring opportunities for yourself.”

The Cyclones (10-9, 3-5) are coming off a disappointing home loss to Kansas State in which they went 14 minutes without a field goal at one point.

“The bottom line is we’ve got to keep practicing to do the things we feel give us the chance to execute our offense,” Fennelly said. “We’ve got to work to get a little more consistency and a little more balance [on offense].”

Missouri will pose a tough offensive threat, with three players scoring in double figures, lead by Unrau’s 17.5 points per game.

“She’s always moving,” Fennelly said of Unrau, who played on Fennelly’s Big 12 All-Star team that participated in the World University Games in South Korea over the summer.

“She can score inside or outside. She creates her own shots because she can rebound.”

Fennelly said the key to stopping Unrau is to not give her any easy shots, make sure to keep a defender on her, and “most importantly, keep her off the backboards.”

Fennelly said his team has played well aside from its offensive struggles.

“[We emphasize every single day that] the next game is another opportunity,” Fennelly said. “We’ve played very, very well against some very good teams, but it’s a 40-minute game. You’ve got to play for 40 minutes against great teams to have a chance.”

The game begins at 7 p.m. Saturday at Hilton Coliseum.