LETTER: Both sides shamed themselves at debate
February 10, 2004
While Dennis Raverty’s Feb. 9 opinion letter is well-written, I feel it is necessary to distinguish for readers that his point has nothing to do with the debate Thursday evening.
Regardless of whether William Lane Craig is some “fundamentalist” whom you equate with “Islamic fundamentalists [who] attacked the Twin Towers” — which seems an irresponsible accusation to make of anyone, save terrorists themselves — his argument in the debate did not depend upon understanding the Bible as the literal word of God. Rather, he went out of his way to show that his argument holds even if “only” historical methods and modern textual analysis/criticism are applied to the Bible.
Thus, Craig’s side did not require a fundamentalist mindset.
I feel I must also point out that both sides smirked Thursday evening.
Not once did the crowd act responsibly during the question and answer section, regardless of who was being asked the question.
And in that respect, we should instead be ashamed of most everyone in attendance, rather than preferentially blaming one side over the other.
Chris Hansen
Materials Engineering