LETTER: Liberals shouldn’t criticize Bush

For all liberals who insist on attacking President Bush, I would like to ask a few questions. Many of you criticize our commander in chief for running up the budget deficit, for not being “qualified to be president,” for being irresponsible about cutting taxes and not providing universal health care. Well, for all of you who do this, if you have a sensible, logical response to the following questions, I, as well as the rest of America, may consider one of the Democratic contenders.

First, what good is an economic surplus if your borders aren’t secure? It truly is a travesty how all those people who perished at the hands of terrorists are so quickly forgotten.

President Bush is fighting a war on terror, trying to protect the citizens he swore to serve. If a liberal were in office, Saddam Hussein would still be in power and posed to unleash an attack on us or our allies.

Next time you criticize President Bush about the deficit, ask yourself how many millions of dollars it is worth to you that your friends and family are safer now than they were when a president was in office who was truly asleep at the wheel: Bill Clinton.

Second, there is no Democrat more qualified than Bush to be president. Bush managed the biggest state in the continental United States and led our nation through its biggest disaster in history.

What has John Kerry done? I appreciate his valiant efforts in Vietnam, but there are many Vietnam veterans in America who are in no way qualified to be president.

Many Democrats wish for a universal health care system. Ladies and gentlemen, health care is not a right in the Constitution; it is a privilege.

The Democrats will raise an average American’s taxes by almost $2,000 so only 15 percent more Americans have health care. Put the money in the hands of the American people and let them stimulate the economy. Don’t give it to some self-proclaimed “expert” in Washington and let them build more white buildings and tell me what I should do with my life.

For those of you wearing the “ABB” (Anyone But Bush) pins, screaming for Bush to be “impeached” and voted out, I really have pity for you.

To the Democrats: give us issues that Americans can relate to, and we’ll give you a second look.

Kevin Roepke


Public Service and Administration