COLUMN: Celebrity justice: Bad mugshots

Aaron Ladage

Who knew Nick Nolte would become such a trendsetter?

It all seemed so uneventful a couple years back, when Nolte was arrested for driving under the influence in 2002. Along with the arrest came, of course, the standard mug shot. But unlike the typically well-groomed leading man audiences were used to seeing, the star of “48 Hrs.” looked like all the drugs and alcohol had melted his face.

Since Nolte’s run-in with the law, it seems the public has become obsessed with seeing its beloved celebrities at their worst. Luckily, the celebrities haven’t been slacking in producing more of these classic images.

From Wynonna Judd’s trailer-trash drunk driving pose to George Clinton’s haggard face after a — no surprise here — drug possession charge, Hollywood’s finest have been putting some serious effort into looking their worst for the police cameras.

Everyone thought the most ridiculous mug had finally been taken when Michael Jackson was arrested on child molestation charges.

It was hard to believe anyone could take a scarier photo than the wide-eyed, purse-lipped shot of Jackson, doing his best impression of an alien mime.

But last week, James Brown set a new standard for bleary-eyed jail cell photos. Allegedly, the 70-year-old Godfather of Soul pushed his wife to the ground in their South Carolina home. His wife, who received scratches and bruises, called police, who took Brown into custody. At this point, the unkempt Brown posed for a shot that looked a bit like the Rev. Al Sharpton after a blender accident.

Of course, domestic abuse is no laughing matter, but it seems the poor guy’s been punished twice for the same crime — first with a little jail time and again with such a terrible photo.

All this embarrassment is really starting to put a strain on the careers of Hollywood’s most notorious citizens.

So, in an effort to save all the celebrities from all the public embarrassment, I propose we create a new television show. I can see it now — “Queer Eye for the Jailed Guy.”

Think about it — now that the metrosexual fad has faded from the limelight, Bravo and NBC are once again struggling for ratings. Plus, what incarcerated celeb in his or her right mind would give up the chance at a little positive face time?

The concept for the program would be so simple — take five fashion-inclined gay men, pair them with a few police officers and let them cruise between Santa Monica and Sunset Boulevard for a few hours.

It won’t take long for at least one A-lister to do something illegal and find him or herself on a short trip to jail — but not before a magnificent makeover and a wonderful new wardrobe.

Gone would be the days of dirty T-shirts, black eyes and coke-induced nosebleeds. Instead, our before-and-after stars would be decked out in the latest in drunk tank fashion.

We’d learn how to wear orange jumpsuits after Labor Day, the best ways to accessorize your concrete slab and, of course, what styles of soap-on-a-rope are “in” this season.

As long as celebrities keep screwing up, the public will continue to laugh at their offscreen appearances. C’mon, guys — let’s use those wardrobe consultants and makeup artists who make you look so good onscreen to pitch in and make your real-life jail time memories a little more fabulous!