M-Shop staple You’re Pretty re-emerges as Early Days Yet

Dante Sacomani

The loss of a lead singer can be enough to end many rock bands, but one Midwest group is picking up right where it left off — in Ames.

When Wisconsin hard rock act You’re Pretty vocalist Beth Musolff unexpectedly quit the band in October 2002, the remaining three members of the band were left without a lead singer. The loss could have spelled doom for the group, but guitarist Steve Kern says it only opened doors for the remaining members.

After recruiting a new vocalist and changing its name, Early Days Yet is ready to pick up where You’re Pretty left off, and then some.

“There was never a question — as soon as Beth told us she was out, we knew we were going to continue. There was never a doubt,” Kern says. “I’ve been playing with [drummer] Dave [Keckeisen] since we were kids and [bassist] Chris [Stenger] for a long time now. There was good chemistry.”

Officially formed six months ago, Kern says that musically, Early Days Yet is a reflection of where You’re Pretty might have gone, with a few changes.

“It’s very musically similar — obviously we have a male singer, but the music hasn’t really changed at all,” Kern says. “This is how we would have evolved. It might have been a little heavier; it’s a little more poppy now and not as dark.”

Because Early Days Yet isn’t just You’re Pretty reincarnated, Kern says the band is enjoying the freedom that comes with starting over, including the ability to experiment with new sounds and ideas, rather than writing for a band that was pigeonholed into a particular sound.

“On a personal level, playing that kind of music all the time was getting to be a drag,” Kern says.

Regardless, switching from You’re Pretty to Early Days Yet wasn’t an easy task. Kern says there were certain expectations the band members wanted to meet for themselves and their fans.

“There was quite a bit of pressure, but we took it in stride,” Kern says. “We knew we would lose a lot of our fan base because Beth was gone, but we knew the core fans would still be there. We’ve blown it off for now.”

Although the members of Early Days Yet haven’t been able to get into a studio and put anything down yet, they plan to keep on writing and hopefully record soon. “We’re hoping for mid-spring, June by the latest. We’ll probably do a five-song EP, then shop it around to some labels and get some advice,” Kern says. “I’m excited to hear what they say. I don’t know if anything will come of it.”

In the meantime, Early Days Yet is playing as many live shows as it can to gain support for the new project. Although it will be the first time the current incarnation has played at the Maintenance Shop, the return trip will be more like a homecoming for three of the four band members — You’re Pretty has played the Shop seven times before, including its final show on Oct. 4, 2002.

“We have a lot to prove. We need to prove we can make it without Beth, prove we don’t need her,” Kern says. “Hopefully, we’ll be accepted back.”

Who: Oh My God, Early Days Yet

Where: M-Shop

When: 9 p.m., Friday

Cost: $5 students, $7 public