Intrastate contest

Jim Maccrea

Winners of the intramural 3-point shooting contest in February will have the chance to advance beyond the glory of ISU fame and the much-sought champion T-shirt.

The men’s winner and women’s winner will advance to the State of Iowa Shoot-Off at Carver-Hawkeye Arena in Iowa City.

The Shoot-Off pits the ISU men’s champion and the ISU women’s champion against the men’s and women’s champions from Iowa, Drake and Northern Iowa.

Garry Greenlee, associate director of recreation services, said the State of Iowa Shoot-Off started in spring 1996 and has been offered as an intramural event since. In the eight years of the contest, Greenlee said, the ISU winner has won once in men’s and once in women’s competition.

Greenlee said the Shoot-Off was the brainchild of the University of Iowa.

“They were looking for something to do during halftime,” Greenlee said. “They came up with this and invited the other three schools to join.”

Winners are given a room for the night before the contest and meals while they are in Iowa City. Winners must provide their own transportation to Iowa City.

The men’s Shoot-Off will be held Feb. 14 during halftime of the Michigan-Iowa men’s basketball game. The women’s contest will be Feb. 22 during halftime of the Penn State-Iowa women’s basketball game.

Landon Wolfe, graduate assistant in intramurals, said each participant in the contest gets one minute to shoot 20 shots from beyond the 3-point line. Five racks will be placed along the line, with one in each corner, one at the top of the key, and two in between on either side.

Each basket is worth one point, with the fourth and final ball on each rack worth two points. The participant with the highest point total wins.

The intramural 3-point shooting contest will be held Feb. 29 from 7-10 p.m. at Lied Recreation Center. No registration for the event is needed.