Area actresses bring ‘Vagina Monologues’ to Central Iowa

Kathryn Fiegen

For several years, “The Vagina Monologues,” playwright Eve Ensler’s introspective production about femininity and womanhood, could only be seen in off-Broadway theaters. Now, the production has made its way into local and regional theaters across the country.

Ensler created the Monologues by speaking to more than 200 women about how they felt about their bodies. She then compiled the words of these women to create the stories of her play. The words of her subjects tell tales of abuse, aging or bad sexual experiences.

“It’s a very important script,” says StageWest producer Ron Lambert. “It’s very empowering for women.”

“The Vagina Monologues” made its first mark as an off-Broadway hit, where it had a successful three-year run. Recently, it has been made available to local theaters for performance. Lambert says StageWest seized the opportunity very quickly.

“When we learned in November that performance rights would become available for this play, we couldn’t wait for the next season — we had to add it now,” Lambert says.

Director Thomas Perrine agrees with Lambert’s views on the importance of “Vagina Monologues,” but adds that men can benefit from seeing it as well.

“It’s not a story of women brow-beating men,” Perrine says. “Men can enjoy this show as much as women.

“It’s a great show — it has powerful statements for women and men.”

Auditions were held for the play, and the actresses appearing are area actresses, among them Susan Smith and Amanda Julson. Two different casts will appear in the multiple performances, and Perrine says the different styles of each cast are a great addition to the impact of the show.

“We are very excited. We have two casts, and this is very interesting from a director’s standpoint,” Perrine says. “It’s very cool because it shows us the different interpretations that the audience gets.”

Holding the production in the intimate setting of a coffeehouse has also added to the production, Lambert says.

“It takes the show back to its New York roots, where it started being performed in coffeehouses,” Lambert says.

From a director’s view, Perrine says, the setting is perfect.

“Kinkajou has been very intimate,” Perrine says. “No one is more than 20 feet away from the actresses.”

Who: “The Vagina Monologues”

Where: Kinkajou Coffee House, Des Moines

When: 7 p.m., Wednesday – Thursday, Feb. 3-5, 10-12, 17-19

Cost: $10