Back Porch Mary still enjoying extended road trip

Daniel C. Hartman

In a little over three years, Back Porch Mary has gained a reputation for crossing musical boundaries. With a sound that incorporates such diverse genres as blues, country and punk into the mix, it seems there are few musical boundaries the Austin, Texas-based band won’t cross.

“We definitely see ourselves as a rock ‘n’ roll band,” says singer and guitarist Mike Kurg. “At the same time, though, we’re a band with a lot of influences. Honky-tonk, rockabilly, the blues and punk are all in there. We like to mix it up.”

Back Porch Mary hasn’t always been a Texas band, however. The band was founded a little farther north in Manhattan, Kan. in 1995.

The only member who remains from the group’s original incarnation is Mike Kurg. The current lineup includes guitarist and vocalist Slim, electric and upright bassist Joe Miller and drummer Taxi.

Besides having a rep for being musical mavericks, the members of Back Porch Mary are also true road warriors. Currently touring in support of its self-titled debut album, the band hit the road hard starting a year and a half ago, Kurg says. The band played more than 150 shows in 2003. In 2004, Kurg says the band will easily top that number.

With life on the road comes a number of tales, and with Back Porch Mary, these stories range from innocent anecdotes to rated-R classics.

“Joe threw up on a car one time. What makes it funny is that the car belonged to the parents of the girl who was hiding in his hotel room,” Kurg says. “He hates when I tell that story, and with things like that, it’s a miracle none of us have ever been in jail.”

On another occasion, Kurg says the band drank an entire 747 out of beer.

“We did that on a flight to Amsterdam,” Kurg says. “What we did in that city cannot be repeated. Anywhere. Ever.”

This appetite for destruction may have come from one of the band members’ biggest influences. Kurg says they are all fans of a certain heavy metal group from the late 1980s and early 1990s.

“We all grew up when ‘Appetite for Destruction’ by Guns ‘N’ Roses was huge,” Kurg says. “I’m the biggest fan of G ‘N’ R, but we all were influenced by that album. It definitely had an influence on me.”

Kurg says the best part of being part of Back Porch Mary is the closeness the band has found during the last three years on the road.

“I think the best part of our job is that we’re four really good friends who drive around throwing parties for people.” Kurg says. “When you do something like that, you always run into someone or something interesting. That’s what makes it all worth it.”

Who: Lee Rocker, Back Porch Mary

Where: M-Shop

When: 7:30 p.m. Monday

Cost: $9 students, $14 public