LETTER: Kerry supports environment, earns endorsements

I recently read where Robert F. Kennedy Jr., a famous environmental activist in his own right, has endorsed John Kerry’s run for the presidency.

Now I hear that Fred Kirschenmann, a noted regional conservationist, also endorses Kerry.

As a Democrat and an individual involved in conservation activities in Iowa, I agree with Kennedy’s and Kirschenmann’s endorsements.

As the way the current administration is handling our environment, we truly need someone who understands and practices conservation.

We are not alone either, because the League of Conservation voters has given John Kerry the highest score, 96 percent, of the candidates in the presidential race.

In fact, the League of Conservation Voters named John Kerry an environmental hero.

As a lieutenant governor, John Kerry led the fight against acid rain.

As a U.S. senator, he continued his good work by stopping the efforts to drill for oil in national monuments and the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. He voted for improved fuel mileage for the automobile industry, which, had it passed, would have a similar effect as a tax cut. On the campaign trail, John Kerry has pushed for renewable energy as a way to free us from our dependence on imported oil.

That is the primary reason I support John Kerry in his campaign for president in the upcoming caucus.

John Pohlman
