LETTER: Many nations offer free healthcare to all

In her Dec. 3 column, “Kerry’s campus visit recalls liberal hypocrisy,” Daily columnist Amy Peet claims our country has become more socialist over the past few years, and that liberals have been responsible for eroding the civil liberties of doctors and taxpayers audited by the IRS. She also states our health care system will soon become “socialized” according to a communist creed.

Ms. Peet must have amnesia — I believe we still have a Republican president and a Republican Congress. As long as we have either of those, we will not have universal health care in this nation, which is shameful. Many free Western nations, such as Canada, provide this “horrible socialist healthcare” to their citizens, enabling them to better provide for their families instead of worry about their health insurance costs and medical bills.

Ms. Peet also apparently seems to think Clinton is still our president, as she ranted a lot about government abuses which took place during that time. However, it is now December 2003. Any liberal abuses or moves toward so-called communism have been cancelled out by the actions of Bush’s current, ultra-conservative administration. In fact, I was under the impression (along with many others both within and outside the United States) that our country was moving toward fascism, not communism.

Laura Messer

