LETTER: Goodman breaks up ‘fight’ on Welch
December 8, 2003
I would like to extend my personal gratitude to everyone who helped elect Matthew Goodman to City Council on Dec. 2. But until this weekend, I hadn’t experienced firsthand what has been behind all the fuss and rigorous campaigning in recent months.
Friday evening, while waiting in line at the gyrostand for a regular — extra onion, extra sauce — a stranger behind me began urinating on the back of my friend’s pantleg. While I wanted to remove the scene from the food (in other, words, “take it out of the line”), Mr. Goodman voluntarily stepped in. With wisdom and appropriateness, he quickly resolved what could have been a violent confrontation.
When Mr. Goodman shows the same poise and assertiveness in his position at City Hall, I will continue to appreciate all those who helped him get there.
Aaron Faber