Buying time

Ayrel Clark

As the threat of a new regional mall looms over local businesses, North Grand Mall is making plans to expand and renovate.

However, the deadline to purchase land south of Sears for the expansion of the mall was Monday. Erb Hunziker, a partner on the property, said the original purchasing agreement stated North Grand Mall must purchase the land before midnight.

Hunziker declined further comment until the deadline expired.

Kurt Carlson, general manager for North Grand Mall, acknowledged the original purchase agreement’s deadline was Monday, but said L&H Real Estate Group, which owns North Grand Mall, is in discussions to extend the deadline.

“There has been an environmental issue found that deals with the gas station on the corner,” Carlson said.

Carlson said a meeting took place Monday to discuss the extension.

Carol O’Grady, director of marketing and corporate communications for L&H Real Estate Group, said the option to purchase the land would be open until midnight and she would release a statement on the matter Tuesday. She declined to comment on specifics of the environmental concern.

Patrick O’Leary, chief executive officer for L&H Real Estate Group, could not be reached for comment.

Carlson said North Grand Mall is still interested in purchasing the land.

North Grand Mall opened in 1971 and encompasses 350,000 square feet. In 1995, some stores were removed in order to put in a movie theater.

The mall has never been expanded, Carlson said.

“The footprint of the building has not changed since it was built,” he said.

However, all the stores except the department stores have been renovated since 1992, he said.

The process of renovating North Grand Mall will likely be done in three or four phases and the process will take about three years.

Renovation plans include building a parking garage and expanding the department stores, Carlson said.

“The first phase would most likely involve the parking garage to allow for parking during construction,” he said.

Carlson said he expects plans for the renovation and expansion of the mall to be released at the end of the week or early next week.

He said currently, North Grand Mall is not worried about a new regional mall being built in Ames.

“We don’t anticipate that the other mall will be built,” he said.

The Ames Planning and Zoning commission will discuss the issue of the regional mall location at 7 p.m. Wednesday in the Ames City Council Chambers in City Hall, 515 Clark Ave.

East of Interstate 35 and north of Highway 30 is currently zoned for a regional mall. Tennessee developer James “Bucky” Wolford has proposed 13th Street east of Interstate 35 as the site for a new mall.