ISU robotics team gets second place in competition

The industrial technology department’s team took second place at the Nov. 19-21 annual robotics contest in Nashville, Tenn. sponsored by the National Association of Industrial Technology.

Along with several professors from the department, Chapter President Ryan Richter, Vice President Axel Stromberg and members David Keene, Aaron Pierson and Jonathan Winter represented Iowa State at the competition.

The team built a teleoperated robotic manipulator that resembled a car with an arm on it and raced it against others.

Nine universities attended the competition, and each robot had to drive to the end of a track, pick up pop cans and carry them while being timed and monitored for staying within bounds.

Teams were also judged on the poster they made to explain and display their robot.

Richter and Stromberg attended the competition last year, in which the team took first place.

Richter said he thinks this experience will benefit the team in the future when they are looking for careers. He said the teamwork displayed in the making of the robot is what is needed in industries.

— Emily Klein