LETTER: Unionizing benefits graduate employees

We were excited to learn graduate employees at Iowa State are discussing unionization in Kay Souvatrat’s Dec. 1 article, “Graduate students to discuss forming a Union at Iowa State.”

As the University of Iowa’s graduate employee union, United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America (UE) Local 896-COGS has made great strides to improve the working conditions of all teaching and research assistants here. Every two years we sit down as equals with representatives from the University of Iowa and the Board of Regents to negotiate our salaries, benefits and workplace rights. We’re currently some of the best paid graduate employees in the Big Ten, have a comprehensive health care plan, receive partial tuition scholarships and are protected from overwork.

Because we are an independent union run by our members, we make it possible for graduate employees to shape their own working conditions; because we are an activist union with ties to other unions and organizations, we play a role in shaping our community. Improving employment at Iowa State will happen only when you take matters into your own hands and organize.

Dana Quartana


UE Local 896-COGS