Hussein’s capture brings comfort to soldiers

Shauna Stephenson

News of Saddam Hussein’s capture brought a small amount of comfort to the families of the 185th core support battalion.

Families and friends filled the rows of folding chairs and lined the walls Sunday, ready to say good-bye to the almost 60 soldiers in the battalion, bound for the Persian Gulf Wednesday.

Bobbi Bradley’s son, James, is leaving with the battalion. “It’s a sad day, but it’s not as sad as it would have been,” Bradley said.

Bradley said she rejoiced when she heard the news of Hussein’s capture.

“I said hooray, thank you Jesus,” she said.

A.J. VanCannon sang the national anthem with his father watching from ranks. A shout of “amen!” came from the crowd when VanCannon went into the chorus of Lee Greenwood’s “God Bless the U.S.A.”

VanCannon was happy to hear the news of Hussein’s capture but knew it didn’t mean the end of operations in Iraq.

“It’s great, but there is still a lot to be done and that’s what they’re over there to do and we’re really proud of them,” he said.

Paula Dierenfeld of the Johnston City Council spoke to the battalion.

“What a great day for freedom; what a great day to be an American,” Dierenfeld said.

Brig. Gen. Mark Zirkelbach said Hussein’s capture would not have been possible without the Iowa National Guard.

“The 4th Infantry Division didn’t catch Saddam Hussein all by themselves. They caught Saddam Hussein with the support of the Iowa National Guard,” Zirkelbach said.

Sgt. Howard Burnett, Des Moines, said hearing the news made him “very, very happy.”

“One down, one to go,” he said.

Burnett said Hussein’s capture gave him and his family hope that the end was in sight.

Surrounded by tearful family members, Burnett was presented with the book “Soul Winning, the calling of the hour,” written by Terry Ellis of Portland, Ore. The book was signed by all the members of his church, Easton Baptist in Des Moines.

On the inside cover was a message from his pastor.

“I want you to know I love you and I wish I could go in your stead. I will take care of your family. Thank you for your sacrifice for freedom. Win one for the Lord.”