Recreation center’s fate in voters’ hands

Ayrel Clark

Ames residents will get the chance to determine if a new aquatics and recreation complex will sink or swim Tuesday in a vote to approve a bond to fund the complex. The bond total is for $23.6 million.

Duane Sorenson, ISU women’s swimming coach and member of the group campaigning for the new complex, said people the group has talked to want to make sure the complex is done right.

One of the reasons the complex is needed is because there are currently only four gyms in the city Ames residents can use, Sorenson said.

“There’s a tremendous need for [gym space],” he said.

Sorenson said additional pool space is needed as well because Municipal Pool, 20th Street and Ridgewood Ave., is only open for one hour for residents to use.

The new complex will include indoor and outdoor pools, additional gym space and other amenities such as pool slides, an elevated track and a climbing wall. The plan was approved by the Ames City Council July 8.

Al Oberlander, consultant for RDG Sports, said Ames needs to update its pools because residents are going to other cities to enjoy higher quality swimming facilities at the July 8 meeting.

“There were 8,800 visits to the new Nevada pool from Ames residents last year,” Oberlander said. “Nevada and Boone are siphoning off a number of Ames residents each week.”

Sorenson agreed.

“A lot of money is leaving the city of Ames,” he said.

Annual passes for the center will cost $385, which was approved by the City Council at their Oct. 15 meeting.

Nancy Carroll, director of Parks and Recreation, told the council other fee options will be available, including daily fees and punch passes. Punch passes give a person a set amount of visits.

“[Punch passes are] daily admission, but you usually get one admission for free,” Carroll said.

Ames residents can vote on the aquatic and recreation complex 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Tuesday at their normal polling locations.

— Daily staff reports contributed to this article.