Improv comedy brings senior class together with laughter

Megan Clemens

As graduation draws closer for some ISU students, tests and projects pile high. A bit of therapy through laughter — courtesy of a comedy troupe — may help alleviate the stress.

Comedy Sportz is an improvisational comedy troupe that centers its shows around audience participation. The group uses audience members and their belongings, like their I.D.s, as props throughout the performance.

“We are very audience-friendly,” says Jeff Adamson, owner and manager of Comedy Sportz. “We want people to be involved in the show.”

The group will bring its talents to the Maintenance Shop for ISU seniors.

Comedy Sportz’s performances features troupe members competing against each other in improvisational skits. Performances are similar to the television show “Whose Line is it Anyway?”

Since its start 13 years ago, the company has gained 39 members. During shows, they perform in a team of three to four members.

“We like to mix up the members on each team from show to show,” Adamson says.

He says switching groups around keeps performances fresh and different. The improvisation team coming to the M-Shop is composed of six members. This team has won four national titles from improv competitions. Comedy Sportz is also bringing a keyboard player along for this performance.

“We might do something like ask someone where they went on summer vacation and make that into a musical,” Adamson says.

Comedy Sportz has approximately 175 improvisational games they use during performances. Games are made up of a very loosely structured set of rules the team must follow.

“We don’t plan ahead at all,” Adamson says. “When we hit the stage, we do whatever pops into our heads.”

Adamson says Comedy Sportz is different because they are a clean group. Having a clean image helps them to get jobs other improvisational groups would be inappropriate for. Because of the clean image, Comedy Sportz has entertained audiences ranging from church groups to college crowds.

“We’re something you’ve never seen before in your life,” Adamson says.

He says Comedy Sportz’s shows will entertain the audience throughout the entire show, not just part of the time.

“There is nothing worse than bad improv,” Adamson says. “We’re foolproof — it’s good the whole time.”

The event is geared toward graduating seniors for a reason, says Lauren Haakinson, events co-chairwoman for Senior Class Council

“This event is especially for seniors graduating in December,” says Haakinson, senior in agricultural business. “We want to give them the chance to hang out before we all leave.”

Not only will seniors be able to attend the show for free, but the event will also feature free food, drinks and door prizes. Seniors can also pick up free senior mugs and T-shirts.

Haakinson says events are planned throughout the year for seniors.

“As you become a senior, you kind of get out of the loop,” Haakinson says. “We want to get everyone together and have some memorable events before it’s all over.”

Who: Laugh-out

Where: Maintenance Shop

When: 7 p.m., Tuesday

Cost: Free for seniors