LETTER: Reagan miniseries was offensive, false

CBS’s decision to drop the controversial Reagan miniseries was not surprising or upsetting to anyone except those living in isolated liberal bubbles like Hollywood or college towns.

How easy it is to forget, when surrounded by like-minded liberals, that Reagan won 59.1 percent of the vote in 1984 (10 percent more than the beloved Clinton received in 1996), and that he is still loved and admired by many Americans.

That’s why CBS decided to cancel “The Reagans” when it learned the love story of Ronald and Nancy Reagan it had ordered turned out to be a political re-writing of history.

Of course, CBS should also have realized hiring Barbra Streisand’s husband, James Brolin, to play the part of Reagan would inevitably politicize the story line.

It was not the wrath of the “ultra-conservative right-wingers” CBS feared, but the prospect of the majority of Americans voting with their remotes that had them worried.

The cries of censorship are ludicrous. CBS has every right to cancel a miniseries that will prove to be unpopular, and Hollywood liberals have no inherent right to have their ahistorical political views aired during sweeps month.

The Daily’s Nov. 11 editorial, “Public has right to hear criticisms,” was right: CBS’s decision sets a “dangerous precedent.”

Documentaries are going to have to be more fact than fiction from now on.

Nicole Asmussen


Political Science