LETTER: Dean cannot lead America effectively

When Howard Dean visits Iowa State Friday, he’s sure to tout his status as the front-runner in the race for the Democratic presidential candidacy. However, it’s the people of Iowa who should be doing the running — as fast and as far as possible from Dean’s ultra-liberal policies such as same-sex “marriage” and universal healthcare.

Dean can’t even manage to pretend to be in the mainstream of his party. His recent claim to be the candidate for “guys with Confederate flags on their pickup trucks,” backfired as loudly as one of the aforementioned vehicles.

He has also made blatantly deceptive statements. He claimed to leave Vermont with a balanced budget, although the incoming administration anticipated a $30 to $40 million deficit. The shortfall occurred despite a fiscal juggling act that cut payments for Medicare and education while shifting the burden to taxpayers.

If Dean floundered in his administration of Vermont, how can he expect to be successful as the chief executive of a country as large and diverse as the United States?

Colleen Kaul


Aerospace Engineering