LETTER: Abortion is murder of convenience
November 10, 2003
In response to Wolfgang Rougle’s Nov. 6 guest commentary, “What exactly constitutes life?,” I wish to begin with the understanding that I am a scientist and I practice no religion.
Abortion is the wrongful termination of human life, which by the laws of our country constitutes murder. Human life begins when a blastomere forms after cell cleavage.
After the first successful cell cleavage, what was the genetic code of two separate beings has now become a different entity. It is like the mother, but unique. It is not a growth, tumor or cancer (these are malignant cells possessing only the DNA of the host), but a human being.
The pro-choice dogma states that the fetus is a part of the mother until it takes its first breath and its fate can be determined until its birth.
The gaping hole that exists in that pseudo-philosophical thought is the fact that a newborn does not possess the faculty to feed, bathe, communicate or even move without the assistance of another. The only thing the child can do on its own is breathe.
Does this mean the child can legally be terminated until it has matured enough to provide for itself?
Beyond the biological argument is the larger picture of society as a whole. The laws we write are meant to protect the weak, serve justice, maintain equality and try to keep our society as cohesive as possible. The basis of all of this is the respect for human life. From a fetus to a convicted criminal, any type of state-sanctioned murder leads to a more barbaric and callous society.
We are so hyper-aware of individual rights in this country we have neglected the needs of a healthy social system. A greater part of a healthy social system is responsibility. This begins at home and extends deep into your community.
Getting pregnant is a choice and with that choice comes responsibility. Having a child does not end your life, it simply makes life a little more difficult. I have personally known two girls who had children in high school out of wedlock. They both received college degrees, have good jobs, have well-adjusted children and are doing quite fine.
Their lives did not end when they had their children, rather they adjusted and were forced into a role of responsibility earlier than they would have liked.
Abortion is simply a murder of convenience. Life isn’t that simple; deal with it. You wanted sex, now deal with the consequences.
Arguments pertaining to the health of the mother, rape or diseased fetuses are completely different issues.
Daniel Zamzow
Graduate Assistant
Biochemistry, Biophysicsand Molecular Biology