Budget cuts won’t dampen holidays

Leah Mcbride and Tom Barton

Due to recent budget cuts, Iowa State’s Annual Festival of Lights on Central Campus has been discontinued. This would have been its 58th year.

At last year’s festival, ISU President Gregory Geoffroy said the festival had become one of Iowa State’s oldest traditions since it began in 1940.

The festival was funded by the President’s Office, said Annette Hacker, communications manager for university relations.

An $8.3 million cut was announced Oct. 10 as a result of Gov. Tom Vilsack’s 2.5 percent across-the-board cut. The university expected to have this money at the beginning of the school year, and must now cut it from its budget by June 30, 2004.

Cuts made to the President’s Office totaled $1.3 million.

The decision was made not to continue the festival entirely because of budget cuts, Hacker said.

In lieu of the festival, the Veishea committee is planning Winter Celebration: The Festival of Lights.

“[The President’s Office] felt they should not sponsor the celebration on campus, because the money could be better spent in other areas of the university,” said Jessica Carlson, general cochairwoman of Veishea.

“The reason Veishea got involved is because we heard that the Festival of Lights, as it’s traditionally called, was canceled due to budget cuts,” said Carlson, senior in journalism and mass communication. “We hated to see that cut because of budget cuts.”

The winter celebration will take place from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Dec. 3 on a stage north of the Campanile, Carlson said.

— Daily staff reports contributed

to this article.