LETTER: Abortion facts are horribly skewed

This is in response to Erica Carnes’ Oct. 31 letter, “Factors in abortion complicate issues.”

There are many opinions presented by Ms. Carnes in her letter that need clearing up. She is upset the partial birth abortion ban can prohibit abortions of embryos, who don’t simultaneously have a heartbeat nor feel pain “until very late in the pregnancy.” Dr. Bernard Nathanson, a founder of NARAL (a pro-choice organization) and an abortion provider, argues that very early in pregnancy a child can feel pain. This is evidenced by an ultrasound of an abortion at 11 weeks, where it shows a quickening of the heartbeat and wide open mouth. I would not consider 11 weeks “very late in pregnancy.” Also, according to WebMD, the heartbeat begins in week six of pregnancy.

Carnes also speaks about the emotional, financial and physical trauma which occurs when a mother carries a baby to term. There is ample information about the emotional trauma a woman goes through immediately after an abortion. There are also the long-term emotional effects of abortion many years after the fact. The symptoms of Post Abortion Syndrome include intrusive memories and flashbacks of the event, vivid nightmares, a persistent sense of numbness, depression and suicidal feelings.

We must also consider the physical trauma a woman goes through when having the abortion. There was a case in California this month of a young woman dying after use of RU-486. Pro-life means every life.

Carnes also mentioned the financial difficulties. If the woman were to give her baby up for adoption, she wouldn’t have to pay for anything. She can ensure the baby is going to a loving home and have continuous contact with the adoptive parents long after the fact, if she so chose. I know many people who have chosen life instead of death for their unborn child, and not one of them regrets that choice, expensive or not.

I believe education is the only method we have to show the world the real dangers of abortion to all concerned. There is a lot of misinformation out there, including the statistics about the number of women who died from illegal abortions before 1973, which Dr. Nathanson, founder of NARAL, admits to falsifying during his testimony in the Roe V. Wade case.

Geneveve Loraditch


Child and Family Services