LETTER: Discipline and love not inherently sexed

Andy May’s Nov. 6 letter, “All government law is based on morality,” is based on tenuous arguments and outright falsehoods. His primary claim that the government already legislates morality by banning murder, rape, and other moral atrocities. Unfortunately for Mr. May’s argument, these things are illegal not because of their immoral nature, but because they interfere with the rights of others.

His other arguments also have serious shortcomings. Mr. May states a man cannot love another man in the same way a man can love a woman. As straight men, neither Mr. May nor myself are qualified to make that assessment. As far as I know, bisexual individuals — the only people who can express firsthand views on this topic — express the same love for partners of either gender.

His third argument was that a child brought up by same-sex parents is at a disadvantage due to a lack of either fatherly discipline or motherly care. Should divorce be outlawed on the same grounds? Should fathers who are too soft have their children taken away?

Are discipline or tender care a necessary byproduct of having male or female reproductive organs? The answer to all these questions is no.

His final argument is that homosexuality is a choice. Mr. May has no grounds for this statement other than an illogical hunch. I am not attracted to every woman, and men hold no sexual appeal for me. There is no choice in the objects of your attraction. The only choice lies in whether to follow through on those inclinations and pursue a relationship.

Frankly, I’m surprised anyone would make that choice in the face of such condemnation from some quarters.

John Jackson

