LETTER: Dean perpetuating stereotypes of South
November 12, 2003
It’s interesting the Iowa State Daily Editorial Board chose in its Nov. 10 editorial, “Dean’s comment taken out of context,” to defend former Governor Howard Dean for his remarks about wanting to win support of Southern voters with Confederate flags on the back of their trucks. While I understand the point he was trying to make about how the Democratic Party needs to extend its base to include people in the South who are voting against their socio-economic interests, I resent Dean’s blatant stereotype of Southern whites.
In Dean’s vision of the South, it seems he sees a world in which all white males drive pickup trucks and wave the “Stars and Bars” every chance they get.
Most Southerners are just as progressive and tolerant as the rest of the country. I am disappointed the Daily failed to hold Dean accountable for this stereotype, and I hope people see the problem with these outdated views.
Drew Larson