Watercolors, oil paintings show artist’s love of Iowa landscape, seasons

Kelli Girdner

Des Moines artist Robert Shuler finds beauty in Iowa through all seasons, and the drastic changes in the Iowa landscape through the seasons gives Shuler even more inspiration.

“No matter what place you go [in Iowa landscape], if you go out there some other time of the year, there’s always changes,” Shuler says.

Shuler’s work, “A Show of Color,” is on display until Dec. 8 in the Pioneer Room of the Memorial Union.

More than 25 pieces of his work are on display, many of them showcasing Iowa’s landscape through watercolor, mixed media and oil paintings.

“Nature’s Color Concerts,” an oil painting Shuler completed in 2001, uses distinct brush strokes to place the viewer in the midst of several trees that have turned bright colors of crimson, orange and yellow.

Shuler uses bold colors backed by lighter hues, creating a contrast that can grab one’s eye from across the room.

“Landscapes traditionally are a favorite for American artists,” says John Cunnally, associate professor of art and design.

“Back in the 19th century, American poets and artists made the landscape almost like a design thing.”

Shuler says he gets much of his inspiration and subject material from his Saturday sketch group, which meets every week of the year to paint landscapes. The sketch group started in the 1950s and is composed of about 10 other artists who work with oils, watercolor and pastels.

Shuler says he normally works on a watercolor sketch while he is out with the group.

He also may take a few photos, but then takes the work back to his studio to use the images to create more pieces, usually with oils on paper.

“I basically look for the abstract qualities first, so I can build on it,” Shuler says.

Shuler’s work has become more abstract over the past few years, and now even portrays things from the Aztec civilization, though most of “A Show of Color” features his landscape creations.

“I enjoy [art]. I think [my art has] improved some,” Shuler says. “I see things a little differently.”

“You could say that landscape artists have taught us to look at the prairie not just for farming [but for beauty],” Cunnally says. “Americans are still old-fashioned romantics.”

Painting the landscape is a chance for Shuler to pursue the simple beauty, the changing wealth of colors that is so often overlooked in the Iowa landscape.

“Color is my main enjoyment,” Shuler says. “Making something come alive — that’s great.”

What: “A Show of Color” by Robert Shuler

Where: Pioneer Room, Memorial Union

When: On display until Dec. 8

Cost: Free