LETTER: Laws allow citizens to question politics

Jason Noble’s Oct. 6 column, “California recall could set dangerous precedent,” completely misses the whole point of democracy. Voters get to pick their elected representatives, who in turn make the laws which govern us. Sometimes we get really stupid elected officials and incredibly dumb laws. That is why those laws must abide by the state and federal constitutions, even in California.

If California voters decided long ago they needed a law allowing the recall election of a moron governor, they should be free to use the law when they want assuming they meet the applicable statutory requirements, which apparently no one seriously disputes.

I think it the height of arrogance for anyone to decry the recall because it plays to “confused voters.” Give the person on the street a little more credit. At least they know they despise Mr. Davis, who is apparently an immensely unloveable person. Mr. Noble’s argument essentially means we should not allow popular elections to mean anything of significance because we supposedly can’t trust the voters. If the voters want a movie star as their governor, who is Mr. Noble to say otherwise? Personally, I hope Arnold wins and that the Democrats start their own recall signature drive within the week.ÿ

Steve Borgman
