Adventures in governing

Leading the senate can be a frustrating job for Speaker of the Senate Tony Luken. A job that’s frustration often leads to trips to the Memorial Union’s Recreation Center for a game of pinball.

“You can’t get any better than Monopoly pinball for some fun,” Luken said. “It’s a great way to relax and get my mind off of bills and agendas.”

However, Luken, senior in political science, said the position can also be an adventure, one that has lasted four years for this speaker.

“There’s new issues every day, week, month, and it’s been fun getting to deal with so many issues,” Luken said.

“There have been headaches along the way, but it’s all part of the job.”

Through his years at Iowa State as a student, moving from position to position inside GSB, he has built an extensive career in student body government.

It’s a career that has brought an abundance of political knowledge and respect, which other student leaders have come to honor and use.

“I think Tony has been here so long he’s got Robert’s Rules memorized,” said GSB Vice President Ben Albright. “He’s a good guy, and he does a great job of helping me and senators out. He’s got a lot of experience and that shows in his leadership.”

With knowledge and a long political experience with student government in tow, Luken prepares for another day of addressing issues on behalf of ISU students.

— Tom Barton