LETTER: Greeks are capable students and leaders

To Mr. Loneman, Ms. Peet, and the rest of the “anti-greek community,” first and foremost, I would like to say that typically the kind of “greek” you associate with fraternities is just a shorter way of saying “greek-letter organizations.” We are not trying to steal your Greek or Irish heritage, although many of these organizations were founded with ancient Greek principles in mind. However, what upsets me the most is how Mr. Loneman uses the term “drunken ‘students'” to describe us in his online feedback printed Oct. 16 titled, “European heritages have been hijacked.”

If we are only so-called “students,” why is it the greek community’s graduation rate is 11.5 percent higher than that of non-greek students? Also, how is it that the greek GPA is .11 points higher on average than that of the non-greek community?

It’s amazing we are able to maintain such high academic standards since we are all drunk, as Mr. Loneman suggests. Imagine what we could do if we were sober!

As for the need to “take back America,” I didn’t realize that while all but two U.S. presidents since 1825 were greek organization alumni they were using their presidency to steal America for the greek community to dominate. Maybe this has something to do with the fact that a large majority of campus leadership positions are held by greeks.

Seth Spreadbury

