Fall weather provides perfect opportunity for philanthropy

Jess Jochims

Fifty-five degrees and calm winds were perfect conditions Sunday for the 17th annual Run for the Roses, hosted by Alpha Omicron Pi sorority and the Ames Area Running Club.

The money raised by the race will go to benefit arthritis research. The race also has benefits for the sorority.

“The sorority wanted to do a philanthropy project that brings the community together,” said Eileen Muff, alumni philanthropy adviser to Alpha Omicron Pi.

Stacie Pettit, senior in finance, said everyone does their part to help out.

“[The race] brings all of our girls together,” said Pettit, race director.

“It gets our name out there, it’s good for recruiting and the money goes to a good cause.”

Jessica Wonderlich, senior in nutritional science, said the sorority members have a good time putting on the event.

“[It’s] a great sisterhood event,” Wonderlich said. “We enjoy the fact that everyone puts time and effort together to help raise large amounts of money for arthritis research.”

Pettit said the help of other sponsors and the running club is greatly appreciated.

“This is the 17th year now, and people expect a well-organized race,” Pettit said. “People are glad to donate, and we really appreciate that. This race has helped put us in the top five national chapters for philanthropy.”

Muff said most of the time the weather is perfect.

“Luckily we have not had any humid weather, rainstorms or blizzards,” Muff said.

“It is a good time to have this since runners like this fall weather.”

Muff said the race is called the Run for the Roses because the red rose is the official flower of the Alpha Omicron Pi sorority. Runners also receive roses when they cross the finish line.

Participants were impressed with the race and some were already talking about next year’s race.

“As long as I can keep running, I will keep supporting this very good cause,” Brendel said.

Dru Frykberg, library associate for the Greenlee School of Journalism and Communication, participated in the run, and said Run for the Roses helps bring the fall to a close.

“Since it is one of the last races of the season, it is a great race to do,” Frykberg said. “Since it is well organized and the food is wonderful, I will be back next year.”