Aquatic center swims on as user costs approved by City Council

Ayrel Clark

The Ames City Council approved the $385 annual family pass for the proposed recreation and aquatics complex at its meeting Tuesday.

Nancy Carroll, director of Parks and Recreation, said in addition to the annual family pass, other fee options are available, including daily fees and punch passes, which provide a specific number of admissions.

“[Punch passes are] daily admission but you usually get one admission for free,” Carroll said.

Trip Hedrick, 2502 Athlone Ct. and member of the support group for the complex, said the fees are the most “user friendly” in the area.

The support group will bring a date for a bond election to the council soon, Hedrick said.

Council members raised concerns about how the complex would impact taxes, considering the cuts made to the city by the state legislature.

Councilman Steve Goodhue said the city needs to keep in mind budget concerns over the next year when considering the recreation and aquatics complex.

“My guess is we’re going to be very challenged this year as a city,” he said.

Mayor Ted Tedesco said the state will cut $9 to 10 million this year from cities across Iowa. The state is also predicting a $10 to $15 million drop in revenue in the 2004-05 budget year, he said.

Attendance is predicted to drop for both Carr and Municipal pools, but the council approved a decision to keep them in operation and review them annually.

“I think [the drop in attendance for] Carr Pool would be more dramatic,” Carroll said.