WWF wrestler muscles into Ames

Padraic Cepek

Mick Foley endured countless chair shots, broken bones and more plot twists then a year of “Days of Our Lives” during his career with World Wrestling Entertainment, Inc., formerly the World Wrestling Federation. However, he was still able to address a crowd of more than 900 fans in Stephens Auditorium Wednesday.

Fans waited in line for an hour prior to Foley’s appearance. When he came out at 8 p.m., he was greeted by a standing ovation. After the noise died down, Foley did a Hulk Hogan impersonation, then began his lecture.

Foley asked if any of the attendees had attended the lecture of Lech Walesa, the 1983 Nobel Peace Prize recipient, earlier in the month. No one responded to the question, which provided the crowd with a laugh. Foley said he was regretful he forgot to bring his theme music to the lecture to pump up the crowd, since he thought he was probably the only speaker to have his own theme music.

“The Nobel Prize winner from Poland probably didn’t have his own theme music!” Foley joked.

He proceeded to tell stories of his experiences in Ames and the surrounding area. At one point, Foley indulged in one of his favorite pastimes, which is prevalent in his two autobiographies: jokes at the expense of WWE wrestler Al Snow.

Foley told a story of a kid he ran into while pulling into the parking lot of Stephens Auditorium. He said the kid was disappointed when Foley came out of the Iowa State vehicle, and Foley asked the kid if he was hoping for a different WWE superstar. Foley said he asked the kid where his parents were, and the kid responded jokingly that his parents beat him.

“I asked the kid who he was looking for and the kid said ‘I was hoping you would be Al Snow so I could go home with him, because Al Snow doesn’t beat anyone,'” Foley said.

Foley shed some light on the origin of the biggest storyline in his career, The Rock and Sock Connection.

“[Hilton Coliseum] was the arena [in which] I called The Rock aside. The Rock needed to team up with Mankind,” Foley said.

Foley said he originally planned to turn on The Rock after The Rock started being nice to Mankind. However, The Rock never was nice to Mankind, which turned out to be better for his career, Foley said. After talking about his experiences in Ames, Foley told the audience about his experience in a “porn star annex.”

Foley was at a party when the owner of a pornography company approached him.

“To have someone come up touting you is a dream come true to a loser like me,” Foley said.

This experience spurred a conversation between Foley and a porn star. The porn star asked Foley what company he performed for and Foley answered the WWE. She then told Foley she didn’t let her son watch him because of the questionable material on the show such as the phrase, “Suck It.”

“I told her, ‘That’s kind of ironic, ’cause I don’t let my son watch you,'” Foley said.