LETTER: Father’s rights often forgotten in debate

I would like to reply to Erica Carnes’ Oct. 11 letter, “Abortion solely women’s concern.”

I should start by saying I support a woman’s right to choose, and I agree with Ms. Carnes except for her claim that “the decision of a pregnancy should rest solely in the hands of the woman.”

In case Ms. Carnes has forgotten basic biology — it takes two to tango. The genetic material that is an unborn child is an equal part of both parents.

Yes, the woman does carry the child, but that does not in any way limit or remove the father’s right and obligation to care for that child. The courts recognize this responsibility and can require the father to pay child support for children conceived out of wedlock.

Should a woman have the right to decide whether to bring a child into the world? Of course, but the father should always have a voice in that decision. Too often, abortion activists forget that divine conception is rare and that the father, one half of that child’s genetic make-up, should have a voice in the debate.

Believe it or not, there are good, responsible men out there who want to be fathers. Unfortunately, in the fight to maintain reasonable abortion rights, the father’s side is too often forgotten.

Christopher Nelson

Graduate Student
