LETTER: Success of nation stems from citizens

I read Jared Strong’s Sept. 30 column, “The ends don’t justify the means in Iraq,” last evening, and I think that I have never been more quickly offended by something someone has written in my entire life. Jared proclaimed, “People don’t fly planes into buildings for nothing.” Wow.

Had a similar comment been made concerning a “protected” group (i.e. a minority), Strong would have been booed off campus. That aside, his column shows a complete lack of perspective in the world.

First, not all countries are threats to the United States. A dictator such as Saddam, who is a murderer, is not a sovereign leader of a nation but a thug. Such people, if you can call them that, need to be eliminated.

Second, Strong preaches moral relativism concerning that we as a free nation do not know what is best for the world. We know that terrorism, child prisons and mass graves are bad, so we should do something about them.

Finally, our success as a nation does not come from our form of government, but the blessed and wonderful people who call themselves American and make dreams come true for us all. This should be spread around the world, because it is and should be a right of all peoples to be free to create their dreams.

People are not pissed at us around the world because we interfere, but because they don’t like what we interfere in. This hatred is not caused by us, but by thugs and murderers who seek to forward their agendas. The only thing we should do is continue to send them to the ash heap of history, where Saddam is.

Victor Amoroso

