How you sleep reveals who you are

Cari Laures

Pay attention the next time you catch someone sleeping — it may just give you an inside look at his or her personality.

A recent study conducted by Professor Chris Idzikowski, co—director of the Sleep Assessment and Advisory Service in Lisburn, Northern Ireland, researched six different sleeping positions and the personality characteristics that typically accompany them.

“What is interesting is that the profile behind the posture is often very different from what we would expect,” Idzikowski told the BBC last week.

Students said they feel the study accurately depicts their personalities based on their sleeping positions.

Carmen Dailey, sophomore in elementary education, said she sleeps in the freefall position and agrees with the study’s findings about people who sleep in this position — they tend to be nervous.

“I agree with the nervousness,” Dailey said.

Lynelle Hooper, senior in child, adult and family services said she sleeps in the yearner position.

“I am always going back and forth between decisions, but once I make one I stick to it,” said Hooper.

Jason Chose, junior in electrical engineering, said he sleeps in the fetal position and agrees with the tough exterior and soft inside these sleepers tend to have.

“I would say that description fits me,” Chose said.

Aside from personality characteristics, sleeping positions can also affect one’s health. The study found those who slept in the freefall position had better digestion and those who slept in the starfish or soldier position were more prone to snoring and restless sleep.

Idzikowski said that this was the first step in an exploration.

“I haven’t quite been able to decide which is more difficult: defining sleep or defining personality,” he said.