Go-kart enthusiasts get chance to race free

Jim Maccrea

The Red Bull Cheever Racing Team will be on campus Thursday and Friday to give students the chance to experience what it is like to race first-hand — in a go-kart.

The Midwest Collegiate Karting Tour will set up an oval track in Lot B-4 at the Iowa State Center from 3—7 p.m. on Thursday and Friday. Anyone with a valid driver’s license can participate free of charge.

“Red Bull wants to give students the opportunity to experience racing — on them,” said Debby Edris, field marketing manager for Red Bull in Iowa.

Edris said participants just have to show up and sign a liability waiver to take a trip around the track.

After racing, participants will be given a computer printout listing their lap times, highlighting their fastest lap and average lap times.

Teams of four are encouraged to come out Thursday for the team event.

The Fastest Cyclone Event, which will rank individual participants by the time they record for their fastest lap, will be held on Friday.

Edris said that should there be a large turnout of single racers on Thursday, the Fastest Cyclone event will be moved to Thursday, and the Average Lap Event will be held on Friday.

The Average Lap Event will rank participants by their average lap times.

“[The schedule] will be decided on Thursday,” Edris said.

Tour instructors will be on hand Thursday and Friday to assist drivers and answer any questions.

The ISU event is sponsored by Cyclone Racing.

The team designs and builds a Formula 1 race car each year, and will have last year’s car on display Thursday at the event.

Jason Tracy, technical director of the Cyclone Racing Team, said the team contacted a Red Bull representative who ultimately brought the event, which has toured colleges across the country, to Iowa State.